Using XOR to write concise conditionals
It's not uncommon that I sometimes write if statements where the overall conditional is true when both conditions are true or both are false. As an example, let's say I'm validating input from an API call where I'm updating information on a
Fixing "No preset version installed for command poetry"
Poetry is a packaging and dependency management tool for Python, and a tool that didn't exist when I worked with Python many years before I started working at Float. I also hadn't been exposed to asdf, which is a handy little tool for managing multiple runtimes.
Enforcement of function keyword arguments in Python
Before starting in my new role a couple of months ago, it had been a very long time since I had programmed in Python. Incidentally, I kept working in roles over the past several years that involved either full-stack Javascript or mostly Javascript with a little bit of another language
How to install a Nerd Font on Warp
I started using Vim as my IDE of choice recently, and one of the things I wanted early on was a more visually appealing icon and font set. I kept reading about Nerd Fonts so I decided to try installing one, but the instructions for doing so were both clear
A month of using Vim
I've wanted to dedicate time to learning Vim for probably a decade now. When I was just getting started as a junior developer, I remember thinking that the people who used it in their day-to-day were "so cool" and felt a bit of awe at how