The 418
I grapple more often than I'd like to admit with a sense that I don't entirely 'belong' in the tech community. I don't enjoy trying out every shiny new tool or framework that comes out seemingly every week. I don't
Edge Side Includes
A popular use case for edge computing among web and full stack developers is the injection of dynamic content into static assets and pages. This technique increases the performance of our applications by allowing us to cache more of our content at the edge or at the Content Delivery Network
Bug in dependency or module resolution issues? Debugging with Selective Dependency Resolutions
When multiple versions of a dependency are used in your Node project and you start seeing build or import errors related to that dependency, it can be frustrating to solve. I recently learned about selective dependency resolutions (SDR) and it has since made me more confident in debugging these types
How edge computing can reduce your software's carbon footprint
I think often about how I can apply my skills as a software engineer in ways that contribute to the betterment of society. The climate crisis in particular is one where on an individual level I don't always feel like I can do much. At the QCon London
Avoid package resolution errors by setting a package manager in the package.json
Developers working on Node projects have likely encountered errors related to package resolution at some point in their careers. It's so common that removing the node_modules directory and reinstalling all of the project dependencies is one of the first things folks attempt in an effort to resolve
Using API layers on the edge for mobile apps
Recently I've been investigating how edge computing (also referred to as 'the edge') can boost the performance of mobile applications ('apps'). 🧑🎓For those unfamiliar with the edge, check out my 10 minute talk as part of Jamstack Conf 2022 that does a quick overview.
I'm not a web developer: buying vs. building my site
Recently, I was chatting with a close friend and former colleague about rebuilding my site. I was feeling guilty for considering a paid hosted blog service such as Ghost rather than rebuilding it in a modern Javascript framework for the second time in 3 years. I wanted to add new
Boost your career with a brag sheet
🎥I gave a talk on this topic as part of Girl Geek X: Elevate 2023. If you'd like to check it out, you can find the recording here. When I started my career as a software engineer almost a decade ago, the advice that I remembered hearing from
How to encrypt your existing Roam Research graph
I've been using Roam Research for the past couple of years as my second brain/notebook and was excited when they announced support for encrypted hosted graphs. And while we're coming up to a year since it was launched, there still isn't yet the
Boosting Jamstack Site Performance With Edge Functions
How can the edge help boost your sites' performance?