Testing Typescript Types
The ability to inform and educate us on how a package functions and behaves through the use of types is one of Typescript’s biggest strengths as a language, alongside its’ ability to gradually be adopted within an existing Javascript project. Unfortunately, we can’t always expect that those types
How to Add an SSL Certificate and Custom Namecheap Domain to a Gitlab Pages Site
Adding an SSL certificate and custom Namecheap domain to a GitLab Pages site can be a bit more challenging than it seems. Crucial pieces of the setup information live in sometimes dense documentation across different sites. It can be hard to tell if you’ve set things up correctly given
Determining Whether Your Javascript Object is of Type X
There are times when you’re interested in knowing additional details about the Javascript Object that you’re handling, such as whether you’re handling an Array, Date, or standard Object. However, the typeof operator, when used against these different objects, returns the following results: console.log(typeof [1,2,
Jest Snapshot Testing With Dates and Times
Snapshot testing is great for quickly creating unit tests for components by getting a ‘snapshot’ of what a component looks like when it’s rendered on the page given certain prop values. This removes the need to manually check the amount of specific elements being rendered on the component, or