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Learning in public, preparing for conferences, and learning about the world of global payments

Hi folks! I hope you're all doing well. The past couple of weeks have been filled with friends, family, and amazing food for me as the Thanksgiving long weekend was just last week here in Canada. This past month, I've been trying to get through my

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A month of using Vim

I've wanted to dedicate time to learning Vim for probably a decade now. When I was just getting started as a junior developer, I remember thinking that the people who used it in their day-to-day were "so cool" and felt a bit of awe at how

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July 22, 2024 - Assorted Reads

Hi folks! I enjoyed writing the last 'assorted reads' post so much that I thought I'd make this a monthly thing. If you have something you've read recently that you've been sharing with everyone, feel free to drop me a line either

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Pride, ethical debt, and an e-card side project

It seems like I blinked and June has flown by! I'm now back home in Toronto and trying not to melt in the heat waves that seem to be happening more frequently in Ontario. One of the highlights of the past month for me was getting the opportunity

Pride, ethical debt, and an e-card side project
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June 3, 2024 - Assorted reads

Hello from Winnipeg! It's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Toronto from time to time and even nicer to spend time with family that I haven't seen in a long while. I've also gotten the opportunity to catch up on

June 3, 2024 - Assorted reads
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Blogging for community vs blogging for showing competency

When I started blogging a number of years ago, it was a way to not only share lessons that I learned in my day-to-day work with others but to also serve as an archive for things that I've run into and how to solve them should I run

Blogging for community vs blogging for showing competency
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Soccer as a metaphor for software development teams

I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of software engineering teams as mini soccer (or 'football' for my readers outside of Canada and the US) teams given some of the dynamics that exist within engineering teams are the same ones that you

Soccer as a metaphor for software development teams
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Hopping on the AI-powered bandwagon

For the past year, it seems like every other day there's a new AI-powered tool being released. Not sure how everyone else is feeling but for me it started to feel a bit overwhelming after the excitement over the possibilities. For those out there who have started looking

Hopping on the AI-powered bandwagon
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The 418

I grapple more often than I'd like to admit with a sense that I don't entirely 'belong' in the tech community. I don't enjoy trying out every shiny new tool or framework that comes out seemingly every week. I don't

The 418