Avoid package resolution errors by setting a package manager in the package.json
Developers working on Node projects have likely encountered errors related to package resolution at some point in their careers. It's so common that removing the node_modules directory and reinstalling all of the project dependencies is one of the first things folks attempt in an effort to resolve
How to encrypt your existing Roam Research graph
I've been using Roam Research for the past couple of years as my second brain/notebook and was excited when they announced support for encrypted hosted graphs. And while we're coming up to a year since it was launched, there still isn't yet the
Bypassing Git Hooks
Git hooks are a useful mechanism for performing code quality checks in your local development environment before committing that code or pushing it up to a remote branch. A common quality check that a git hook can perform is running the project’s code linter, such as eslint. While it
Useful Github Search Capabilities for Issues and Pull Requests
In my day-to-day I often find myself wanting to search for pull requests and issues that I’ve commented on without necessarily being the author of the pull request/issue. Fortunately, Github has a couple of pretty useful search options for just this purpose! Search by commenter This is a
Testing a project contained in a monorepo
A ‘monorepo’ is the term used to describe the organization of multiple distinct projects with well-defined relationships into a single code repository1 rather than having each project be in its own dedicated repository. Monorepos have been around for a while, but if you haven’t worked with them before, figuring
Write how much work is required, not the work itself
The format for outlining what work needs to be done to achieve an outcome varies from company to company. It can be challenging to convey a sense of scope when writing what work needs to be completed, and the result can sometimes amount to ‘do X so a user can
Create a comprehensive .gitignore file in seconds!
When getting started with a project, there are some files and directories that we should not include in source control. Files that contain credentials that should be kept secret (such as a .env file), or directories that contain the output of a build are a couple of examples. Often, when
Approaching a major version dependency upgrade
Keeping dependencies up to date has become significantly easier over the years with free tooling such as Dependabot and Renovate now widely available and having robust configuration for however you and your team want dependency updates to be handled within a given project. While these tools are easy to incorporate
Determining Whether Your Javascript Object is of Type X
There are times when you’re interested in knowing additional details about the Javascript Object that you’re handling, such as whether you’re handling an Array, Date, or standard Object. However, the typeof operator, when used against these different objects, returns the following results: console.log(typeof [1,2,